Sign-Up Instructions! by Eric Bischoff

Thank you for choosing to join our online league! We hope you'll enjoy your time playing WWE2K22 with a fair and friendly community! No more having to worry about 100 Overall nonsense online!

First thing's first, register with the board through proboards using the -- Registration link -- at the top of the page!

NEXT - Be sure to check out the -- Rules and Guidelines -- to see exactly how this league works!

THEN - If you've decided this is the place for you, then be sure to check out the -- Roster Page -- to see if your favorite wrestler is already taken or not! Remember, we do allow wrestlers outside of the WWE2k22 roster as long as they are real wrestlers and you can find a good CAW of them.

FINALLY - Create a  thread on the -- Contract Signing -- board titled "Contract for _____" With your wrestler's name. Be sure to include your Steam Username, Timezone, Availability, and Discord Username if you have one!

Your contract will be looked over for approval, and when it is, congratulations on your joining! You will be placed on the next card as soon as possible! If you see someone you'd like to feud with even, be sure to contact them to try and start something up!

Have Fun!!

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